Publishing Ethics and Malpractice

Open Access Policy:

The JMLPH promotes open access to scientific research and encourages authors to publish their work under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license. This enables broad dissemination of research findings, fosters collaboration and data reuse, while allowing authors to retain copyright. The JMLPH's open access policy permits users to read, download, distribute, copy, or link to full-text articles with proper attribution under a CC-BY license. There are no charges for submission or publication in the JMLPH, and the journal continuously publishes articles on its website.


Publication Charge Policy:

The JMLPH does not impose publication fees, submission charges, peer review fees, or Article Processing Charges (APCs) on authors.

Open Access without Barriers: The JMLPH firmly believes in the principles of open access, ensuring that research is freely available to the global community without financial barriers.

Supporting Authors: We recognize the importance of minimizing financial burdens on authors, particularly early-career researchers and scholars from resource-constrained settings.

Revenue Sources: As a not-for-profit journal, the journal's revenue is derived from a budget established by the editorial team, and it does not rely on revenue from author fees, subscriptions, advertising, reprints, or institutional and organizational support.


Copyright Policy:

Authors publishing in JMLPH retain the rights to their work and grant the journal permission to share, reproduce, and distribute it worldwide without fees. Authors are required to be mindful of content that may be considered offensive or unlawful. The journal operates under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, allowing authors to share and adapt their work with proper attribution and without additional restrictions.

Creative Commons Licensing Agreement: This is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the license.

Disclaimer: Under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, authors retain copyright and grant the JMLPH right of first publication.

Under CC-by 4.0 authors are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.

Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms if the license terms are followed.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — Author must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. Author may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses author or author’s use.

No additional restrictions — Author may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

By following the CC-BY license, the JMLPH aligns with the principles of open access, fostering collaboration, and ensuring that the research published in the journal is widely accessible and impactful.


Editorial Policies:

The JMLPH upholds ethical conduct and scientific integrity in the publication of research articles, adhering to the medical publishing ethics recommended by the ICMJE in their Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals. All involved parties are expected to follow these standards.


Archiving Policy:

JMLPH is committed to preserving and providing access to scholarly content. The journal uses the followings:

  1. LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe):

The JMLPH utilizes the LOCKSS system to ensure the distributed and decentralized preservation of our digital content. By maintaining multiple copies of our archives on diverse servers, LOCKSS enhances the resilience of our digital preservation strategy, minimizing the risk of data loss and ensuring perpetual access to our publications.

  1. Internet Archive:

In addition to LOCKSS, the JMLPH archives its content on the Internet Archive, a renowned digital library offering a comprehensive and publicly accessible repository. This dual archiving approach further reinforces our commitment to the open dissemination of knowledge and provides an additional layer of security for the preservation of our scholarly record.

  1. Open Journal Systems (OJS):

The JMLPH manages its publication process through the Open Journal Systems (OJS), a robust and widely used open-source platform. OJS streamlines manuscript submission, peer review, and publication workflows, contributing to the efficiency and transparency of our editorial processes. OJS supports metadata creation, indexing, and integration with archiving systems, facilitating seamless preservation and discovery of content.

  1. Archiving Metadata:

The JMLPH ensures the inclusion of comprehensive metadata within its digital archives. This metadata encompasses essential information such as author details, publication dates, licensing information, and unique identifiers, enhancing the discoverability and usability of archived content.


Data repository: The journal is indexed with SherpaRomeo. To review the content there, please visit


Originality and Reporting Standards:

Submitted articles should be original and not previously published or under consideration elsewhere. Authors are expected to report research methods and findings accurately, providing sufficient detail for reproducibility without overstatement or misinterpretation.


Authorship Criteria:

At the JMLPH, we are dedicated to fostering transparency and accountability in scientific publishing, ensuring that all authors receive proper acknowledgement for their contributions to a research article. Each author listed on a manuscript must have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the research and must have approved the final version of the article for publication.


Contribution Statement:

In accordance with ICMJE recommendations, all individuals listed as authors should meet the criteria for authorship. A separate paragraph may be included at the end of the manuscript detailing the specific contributions of each author to the research.



Individuals who have made less substantial contributions to the manuscript and do not meet the criteria for authorship may be acknowledged in a separate section.


Authorship Disputes:

Prior to submitting the manuscript and before the final publication, consensus should be reached regarding the order and contributions of the authors.


Changes in Authorship:

Following the COPE guideline, significant revisions in response to reviewer feedback, such as the incorporation of new data, may warrant the addition of a new author. Further information can be found (here).


Corresponding Author:

The submission of the manuscript should be overseen by a corresponding author, who will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the JMLPH policies and will serve as the point of contact with the Journal. The corresponding author must ensure that all authors agree on their order and contributions before the final submission and publication. Additionally, the corresponding author is responsible for promptly responding to queries regarding the published paper.


Co-First Authors:

In some cases, articles published in the JMLPH may have two co-first authors. The decision regarding the placement of these co-authors' names should be explained on the first page, whether according to seniority or alphabetical order, for example.


Peer Review Policy:

The JMLPH is committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and scientific rigor through a robust double-blind peer review process. This process ensures that the identities of both the authors and the reviewers are concealed. A minimum of two independent field experts (reviewers) are required to assess the quality, originality, and significance of a submitted manuscript. Reviewers are selected based on their expertise in the relevant field, and their evaluations focus on the originality, significance, methodology, and overall quality of the submitted work. Constructive feedback is provided to authors, focusing on areas such as methodology, data quality, scientific rigor, and clarity.


Fair Review Process:

The JMLPH aims to provide authors with a fair review process, avoiding unnecessary delays in publishing research. The journal reserves the right to decline publication if the manuscript does not meet its quality standards.


Redundant or Duplicate Publications:

Authors are prohibited from submitting redundant or duplicate work from already-published articles, whether in the same or different languages. The journal has the right to reject or withdraw any publication that substantially overlaps with one already published, unless the new manuscript is considered a secondary publication. More information on redundant or duplicate publications can be found on the website of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.


Declaration of Conflicts of Interest:

The JMLPH follows the following flow chart for dealing with conflict of interest in submitted manuscript and also the following flow chart for a published article. More information on Committee on Publication Ethics Guidelines can be found here.


Committee on Publication Ethics Guidelines

Guidelines for the Reviewers:

Guidelines for the Editorial Office:

Guidelines for Publisher:

Guidelines for Authors:


Scientific Integrity and Misconduct:

All articles undergo a rigorous peer review process that includes a thorough evaluation of the findings and statistical analysis. The fabrication of research data is strictly prohibited, and the Journal reserves the right to request the datasets for original articles. We encourage post-publication critique; however, any concerns regarding scientific misconduct, data fabrication, or the integrity of the published work should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief. In such cases, the editorial board is committed to following the guidelines outlined by The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

In the event of proven misconduct, such as falsified, fabricated, or modified data for publication, the article will be rejected. Additionally, the authors will be prohibited from making future submissions to the JMLPH, and their institutions will be notified of their misconduct. The JMLPH will take the necessary measures to prevent the publication of the work and may retract the article, if necessary.


Ethical Approval and Patient Consent:

All articles involving human participation, animal interventions, or sensitive data require approval from the appropriate ethics committee, such as the Institutional Review Board (IRB), before the research is conducted. The Journal may request documentation of ethics committee approval as part of the manuscript review process. For other studies, IRB approval is recommended, but not required.

In research involving human participants, obtaining informed consent is a critical component of ethical research practices. We expect authors to protect patients’ privacy and to de-identify personal identifying information in published articles. Photographs or other images must be suitably obscured to protect the identity of the participants. Should a manuscript include any image or personal information that may identify a patient, permission for its publication should be provided. The JMLPH holds the right to request consent where applicable.


Plagiarism Policy:

The Journal prohibits any form of plagiarism, including the use of text or ideas from other sources without proper attribution, which is deemed a violation of scientific integrity. Authors are expected to properly cite and reference all sources used in their research, including direct quotes and paraphrased material. Submissions are routinely screened for plagiarism using plagiarism detection tools; Grammarly ® and Turnitin ®. Any evidence of plagiarism is handled according to The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines, and the Journal will take appropriate action, which may include immediate rejection of the article.


Preprint Policy:

The JMLPH values the timely dissemination of research and encourages authors to share their work on preprint servers, such as arXiv or bioRxiv, to facilitate early feedback from the scientific community. Authors are required to adhere to the following guidelines when posting preprints:

Timing: Preprints should be posted before formal submission to the JMLPH, and authors must inform the Journal of their preprint posting.

Crediting the Journal: If the preprint is accepted for publication, authors should ensure that the final manuscript includes a statement acknowledging the Journal and a link to the Journal’s website.

Preprint and published versions: Authors should ensure that the preprint and published versions of their work are consistent and clearly distinguishable from one another.

Copyright: Authors should retain the copyright to their preprint and ensure that the preprint is licensed in a manner that allows for reuse and redistribution.

The Journal supports open dissemination of research and encourages authors to utilize preprint servers as part of their publication strategy.


Reproduction of Previously Published Material:

The JMLPH acknowledges the need for authors to reproduce previously published material in their manuscripts. However, it is essential to use this material appropriately and in adherence to copyright law. Authors should follow the guidelines below:

Permission: Authors are responsible for obtaining all necessary copyright permissions if the previously published material is still under copyright.

Attribution: Authors must clearly identify the source of the previously published material and provide proper attribution to the original source.

Justification: Authors should provide a clear rationale for including the previously published material in their manuscript and demonstrate its value.


The majority of the manuscript must consist of original work and not merely be a compilation of previously published materials. The Journal reserves the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with these guidelines and take necessary measures to prevent the publication of inappropriate use of previously published material.


Retraction Policy:

The JMLPH adheres to the COPE Retraction Guidelines and will retract articles based on the following criteria:

Serious misconduct: Clear evidence of scientific misconduct or unethical behavior, such as plagiarism, data fabrication, or manipulation.

Significant errors: Identification of significant errors or inaccuracies that impact the research's validity.

Retractions will be made based on clear evidence and after a thorough investigation. The Journal will notify authors, readers, and the scientific community of the retraction, providing a clear explanation for the retraction. The retraction will be recorded in public records, including on the JMLPH’s website and relevant indexing services, to ensure an accurate and complete scientific record. The JMLPH assumes complete responsibility for maintaining the integrity of the scientific record and will take all necessary measures to correct the record when errors or misconduct are uncovered.


Compliance with Ethical Standards:

The Journal reserves the right to reject any article that does not meet ethical standards and will take necessary measures to prevent the publication of unethical research. If you suspect misconduct or unethical behavior in the publication process, please notify the Journal immediately.


Appeal Process:

Authors may appeal the revision or rejection of their manuscript if it has undergone peer review; appeals are not considered for rejections made during the initial submission phase. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the journal's email by the corresponding author, with the consent of all authors.

- Submit within 30 days of the decision without submitting a revised version of the article, elsewhere.

- Clearly explain why the decision is disputed, responding to editor/reviewer comments, and include supporting evidence, particularly if there's a suspected error or bias.

- Include any new data or highlight procedural errors or biases. Attach relevant evidence such as figures or tables that support the appeal.

- Appeals that do not fully address reviewers’ and editors’ comments, or fail to comply with requirements, will not be considered.

- An appeal cannot be simultaneous with a manuscript transfer to another journal. If an appeal is rejected, a transfer may be considered, as multiple appeals are not permitted.

The journal's Editor-in-Chief or designated representative will evaluate appeals, possibly involving other editors or Elsevier staff depending on the nature of the issue. If there's a conflict of interest, a different board member will review the appeal.


Outcome and Process:

- Reassessment: If warranted, the appeal leads to an internal review by the editorial team

- Final Decisions: Only one appeal per manuscript is allowed, and the decision after appeal is final. If reconsidered, it may require further review or revision.



At the Journal of Medicine, Law, and Public Health, we view complaints as opportunities for improvement and respond to them promptly, courteously, and constructively.


Authorship Guidelines:

- Proper Credit: Every individual who contributed as an author must be acknowledged, and no individual should be named as an author if they do not qualify.

Criteria for Authorship:

- Significant contribution to the study’s conception, design, execution, or interpretation.

- Approval of the final version of the work.

- Responsibility and ability to publicly defend the work.

- Lesser contributions should be credited as “contributors” rather than “authors.”

- Authors must obtain consent from all co-authors and contributors before submission.


Handling Authorship Complaints:

- Authors should ideally resolve authorship matters internally, but formal processes are in place if needed.

- Complaints must be emailed directly to the journal's official email

- The complainant is informed that any serious investigation may require informing the corresponding author, involved authors, and possibly the institution or company where the research took place.


Complaint Resolution Process:

- Initial Review: Complaints are first reviewed by the journal manager, who assigns an editorial staff team to handle it.

- Escalation: If unresolved, complaints can be escalated to a senior team member, and further to the editor-in-chief, whose decision is final.

- Timeframes:

  - Acknowledgment within 1-2 working days.

  - Full response aimed within 30 days.


External Resolution:

- After exhausting the journal's complaint procedures, unresolved complaints may be taken to external bodies like the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which aids in dispute resolution involving member editors, journals, and publishers.


Adherence to Guidelines:

- We strictly follow COPE guidelines and encourage authors to review relevant case studies.